The Truth About Religion...
Religion is a Tool, which Humanity has relied on, and for Good Reason, to allow it to Mature from its Infancy to Adolescence... It's Now Time to Mature into Full Adulthood.
There is Nothing Wrong with anyone Peacefully Following a Religion, as long as it has No Influence on Social Mores and Policies... Unfortunately, the effect Religion Has had on Society, and Progress, has been to stifle and Imprison us within this Work-For–Life, Worship-For-Afterlife model: causing us to Continually Consume and Create Waste, and Waste Our Lives, over and over... Generation after Generation...The Same Mistakes...
Religion Was Necessary and served a Great Purpose: Its Leaders were Great Men...
It allowed us to become Civilized enough to Grow Up and Learn about Existence...
With that said, Religion is NOW the Greatest Retardant to Progress Humanity has ever known. Religious Intolerance the Greatest cause for War, Strife, Suffering and Deprivation.
If you must worship a Greater Power, Worship GAIA...
For Without Her, We Are NOTHING...
In the Meantime, Find God Here...

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noun \ri-
the belief in a god or in a group of gods
:an organized system of beliefs, ceremonies, and rules used to worship a god or a group of gods
the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.